James Philp Ltd

Plumbing & Heating Engineers

1, Queich Court, Milnathort

Kinross  KY13 9ZA

Telephone - 01577 864476 Mobile - 07821 350 573

The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in the house, perhaps where homework is done, shopping lists made, a place where the family gathers to chat and so much more.


Therefore it is vitally important to have your kitchen designed and fitted by experts who with listen to your requirements and advise on a design to suit you and your budget.


We work alongside other professionals to ensure that everything goes according to plan and that you end up with your dream kitchen.


"The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in your home. You can trust us to get it just right for you and your budget"


James Philp Ltd

Plumbing & Heating Engineers

1, Queich Court, Milnathort

Kinross  KY13 9ZA


VAT Reg. No. 230348831

Reg. in Scotland No. 563015

Telephone Number - 01577 864476 Emergency number - 07821 350 573


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